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Freedom from Being Ordinary with Alison Armstrong NOW Live Online

We're glad you're inspired to take this step in our curriculum! Alison looks forward to interacting with you.

You can immerse yourself in the Online Course Prerequisites at your own pace - just make sure they're complete before your Freedom from Being Ordinary Series starts. Have fun, use the Live Interaction Calls with Alison to implement and prepare for the live webinar series, but also feel free to follow your own curiosity and needs.

Due to the advanced nature of the content, please carefully read and plan to fulfill your part of qualifying for this experience. This includes up to 36+ hours of videos to watch. Please email or call us if you have questions or concerns. We want you to be well-informed and supported in participating!

Important Registration Information

  1. Tuition includes a non-refundable deposit of $395.
  2. Your tuition includes three Online Courses and two other Prerequisites as stated below. The online course prerequisites will be provided to you immediately in "My Account" → "Access Online Courses". You will have 90 days of access to each online course, which starts after check out. You must complete all of the Prerequisites before your Series begins
  3. You must plan to attend all of the Webinar Sessions, or plan on Watching the Recordings, before attending the next Session. You may participate in the series entirely by recordings. Access to session recordings will be provided with "quick edits" within 48 hours. See below for Series dates to note.
  4. Webinar sessions include multiple opportunities to interact with other participants in pairs and groups in small breakout rooms.
    • These interactions are activities integral to the results promised on the sales page.
    • If you choose NOT to participate in these activities, we cannot produce the results intended.
    • If you are not attending the sessions live, there are alternate times for these activities scheduled in the AM Pacific Time.
    • These Alternate Exercises & Q&A sessions will take place 5 days after the original session, to provide time to watch the session recording beforehand.
    • The option to choose Alternate Exercises & Q&A sessions will be communicated by email within 3 weeks of the Series start date. You may only attend the live session OR the associated Alternate Exercises & Q&A Session.

  I understand that clicking a Registration button below signifies that I have read and understand all of the preceding Registration Information.

Fall Series

Fall Series:

*The option to choose watching the recording of the live session or attending the Alternate Exercises & Q&A sessions will be communicated by email within 3 weeks of the Series start date. For each date in your Series, you may only attend the Live Zoom session OR the associated Alternate Exercises & Q&A Session.

Freedom from Being Ordinary Online - Package - Pay In Full $895.00
Freedom from Being Ordinary Online - Fall Series 2024
LUX Online Course
Understanding Women
Understanding Men
Extreme Freedom Excerpts - Prerequisite for Freedom from Being Ordinary
Freedom from Being Ordinary Online - Package - Pay Plan $395.00
Freedom from Being Ordinary Online - Fall Series 2024
LUX Online Course
Understanding Women
Understanding Men
Extreme Freedom Excerpts - Prerequisite for Freedom from Being Ordinary

Deposit of $395
plus 2 additional payments of $264

Includes an administration fee of $28

Already have one or more of the prerequisites?