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"Men have a natural attentiveness to providing what women need. One problem is they don't always know what women need. A bigger problem is the women themselves don't know what they need, even if they were willing to ask for it.

“Women want to help men get what they need, if only to keep them from being so grumpy and frustrated. But men ignore their needs until they reach the 'breaking point,' and the way they ask then causes women to resist providing it!

“The lack of information, misunderstandings, inability to speak up ~ and on top of that, the way we project our needs onto others ~ well, it’s gonna be a mess for sure!" — Alison Armstrong

"It's exactly what I've been looking for, for literally decades and it feels good to take action to really change. I'm experiencing sadness, regret and shame on the one hand, and hope, joy and excitement on the other - the feelings come in waves. ...As I'm learning, all my relationships are changing." — Kirsten, New York

Dennis Praeger

“Alison in my view brilliant and gifted beyond words with an original mind. Original minds are very rare and she has it combined with a good heart and that's a terrific combination.”

Dennis Prager

Scholar, Author and Radio Show Host

Alanis Morissette

“Alison's deep understanding and love of men moved me to a whole other level of clarity and peace about a gender that has confounded me for a long time. I feel like the wool has been pulled from my eyes and I can see men in a new and more loving way.”

Alanis Morissette
