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For Men and Women who Desire...

Passionate, Loving, Committed, Fun and Fulfilling Relationships

Understanding Love & Commitment

~ For every woman who wants to be both wise and wonderful with the love of her life, whether she's creating a new relationship or revitalizing the one she has.

~ And for every man who wants to make sense of the confounding approach women have to what should be a simple, obvious and practical situation: relationships.

You will:

  • Understand the huge differences in how men and women experience commitment, marriage and the progression of relationships
  • Learn "The 12 things That Make a Woman the Right Person to Marry"
  • Discover what causes you to pursue people who bring out your worst ~ and what to do about it!
  • Find out what women need to be great in romantic relationships...instead of a doormat, nag or worse
  • See why women often become the opposite of what men need to get married and stay happily married
  • Learn how to solve predictable conflicts to create a structure for love, romance, and satisfaction
  • End the frustration, confusion and injuries to your self-esteem that come from "failing" at relationships
  • If you're getting over a relationship - End the cycle of suffering, make peace with your past, and heal so you can love again
  • And much, much more!
Understanding Sex & Intimacy

~ For every woman who wants to feel more desirable and have more freedom, satisfaction and fun with sex

~ And for every man who wants to understand what's really going on with women and optimize their sex life

You will:

  • Learn what women need to be receptive to enjoy and initiate sex.
  • Discover what sex means to men physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually
  • Understand what it takes to keep the passion alive in a long-term intimate relationship
  • Understand how women consistently misinterpret men's sexual behavior and attitudes
  • Find out how to shift sex from a chore, burden or duty to a source of connection and extreme pleasure.
  • Find out how we're affected by sexual trauma and unconscious learnings, and be healed and liberated from anything you are willing to release
  • Find out what leads to infidelity so you can prevent it, heal from it, and restore your honor and confidence
  • Discover the real meaning of pornography for both sexes
  • See how to honor yourself and experience the sex life of your dreams
  • And much, much more!

These programs are available to men and women who are graduates of both Understanding Men and Understanding Women. You must complete these online programs before you'll be granted access to watching Understanding Love & Commitment or Understanding Sex & Intimacy.

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"I've been divorced for 18 years. I couldn't figure out why I didn't marry again. When I started the first day, I had resistance, but allowed myself to stay. Now I realize my door was completely shut and I wasn't allowing a man in. My door is wide open again for partnership now. I know how to get my needs met and I know they will be met. Thank you for the new beginning of my life."
— Jeanette Wilson, Self-Employed


"This course not only put the fun back in the bedroom, it also helped clear out any ghosts under the bed. I appreciate the clean slate for my next romantic encounter."
— Pilisa Connor, Artist

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