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Core Partnership

We're glad you're inspired to take this step into the world of partnership. Graduates of Core Partnership report that "the horse course" has them embodying the invitation to partner, and experiencing clarity about their part in all interactions.

Due to the advanced nature of the content, please carefully read and plan to fulfill your part of qualifying for this experience. It includes up to 50+ hours of videos to watch, plus travel arrangements and a passport. Please email or call us if you have questions or concerns. We want you to be well-informed and supported in participating!

Important Registration Information

  1. You must complete all of the Prerequisites prior to your course date.
  2. All of the online prerequisites will be provided for you in "My Account" -> "Access Online Courses" within 5 business days of registration. Where stated, completion of previous live workshop versions are acceptable; however, we strongly recommend renewing your familiarity with the material in the online versions if you haven't done so recently.
  3. Passports are required for travel for non-Canadian citizens.
  4. You must await Program Confirmation, occurring a minimum of 45 days prior to your course date, before securing travel and lodging reservations.
  5. You are responsible for making your own Travel and Lodging arrangements, ensuring that you are available to be picked up in Stony Plains the morning of the first day of the course. See FAQ for more details. If you are traveling from out of town, you will need to arrive one day prior to the course start date, and usually depart on the day following the course end date.
  6. You must plan to attend all of the Workshop Sessions from beginning to end.
    • Friday through Monday: 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM.
    • The workshop design does not accommodate late arrivals and/or early departures. Late arrivals will not be admitted. Early departures on any day of the workshop will not be readmitted the next day.
  7. If you're not fulfilling the attendance requirements, or not participating fully, your Workshop Leader may determine that Core Partnership is not a match for you. You may be excused and your payment may not be refunded in its entirety.
  8. There are currently no Covid-19 specific restrictions for the course or for entering Canada. We will notify you if anything changes for the course. You are responsible for making sure that you're eligible for entering Canada if you're not a Canadian resident.

Tuition Payment Choices:

  • Pay In Full - $5,995
  • Payment Plan:
    • The 1st payment of $1,995 will be charged at check out
      • This includes a $120 administrative fee
    • 5 additional monthly payments of $824 will be charged at 31-day intervals

Save the dates for 2024!

May 31 - June 3 and July 12 - July 15, 2024

Applications will be available soon