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Causing Partnership Package

Are You Passionate ~ and Committed ~ to something you cannot Accomplish without real Partners?

Dance of Partnership

2-Day Co-Ed Workshop ~ Live with Alison

What's better than Seeing & Hearing? FEELING!

Join Alison Armstrong as she brings phenomenal distinctions to women and men who want the results only Partnership can deliver, and are willing to be uncomfortable, unsettled and enthusiastically engage in the unfamiliar!

Since Partnership — that magical paradigm of synergy and alchemy — is a way of Being, it's not enough to just learn about it.

The real trick is getting the Elements of Partnership situated clearly and firmly where they can become natural ways of speaking, listening and producing extraordinary results and connection.

Want to know if you really dance? Or if you have to bring your own partner? Read on to learn this and more!

Tuition: $1295; Included in the Causing Partnership Package $1820

Core Partnership


IF Your Commitments really are Bigger than You Can Possibly Accomplish Alone ~Then you NEED all 14 Elements of Partnership installed into your BODY.

Imagine an extraordinary four days with a small group of people, where you align your heart's desire and your will with an expanded ability to communicate clearly and powerfully in partnership...

This intimate, intense and life-altering course with Alison Armstrong and Cindy & Roland Sawatzky ~ and a team of specially trained horses ~ is dedicated to PAX graduates with a desire to make and fulfill big commitments to their relationships, families, communities or organizations.


Tuition: $5995; Included in the Causing Partnership CORE Package $7290

Conversations in partnership

5 Part Webinar Series ~ Online with Alison

After getting Partnership in Your Being, Listening and Speaking...and installing the 14 Elements into your body...put it all together with sophisticated conversations

Exclusive to graduates of Extraordinary Choices, AND Dance of Partnership or Core Partnership

  • 5 Live Webinar sessions with Alison on Zoom
    • Wednesdays, September 18 and October 2, 16 and 30, 2024
      • 6:00 - 8:00 PM Pacific Time
    • Wednesday, November 13, 2024 - Celebration
      • 6:00 - 7:00 PM Pacific Time
    • Attend and/or access all 5 recordings within 48 hours until November 30.

Learn More

JUST WANT TO GET STARTED by Partnering with Yourself?

Extraordinary Choices

The Essentials ~ LUX, Understanding Men & Understanding Women who need to know How to Partner with themselves, first.

  • 7 Hours of stimulating, self-paced online videos teaching the 14 Extraordinary Choices, presented with stimulating prompts and encouragement to share the material
  • Includes the contents of Thrive Your Life
  • Bonus Monthly Being Extraordinary Level Live Interaction Calls with Alison (includes recording)
  • Eligible for Q.U.E.S.T. to expand your explorations

Extraordinary Choices is a prerequisite for Conversations in Partnership, Dance of Partnership and Core Partnership.

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(International: 626.389.4927)

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